Tentang ARMI

Aliansi Relawan Madany Indonesia

Aliansi Relawan Madany Indonesia adalah Komunitas Relawan yg berbasis Sosial Kemanusiaan, Lingkungan Hidup, Kebencanaan & Potensi SAR.
1. Berazaskan Pancasila & UUD 1945
2. Setiap Anggota
• Harus Taat & Patuh pd aturan hukum yg berlaku di Indonesia.
• Siap Membantu masyarakat yg membutuhkan
• Tidak menyinggung SARA, memposting informasi HOAX , politik & atau ajaran Agama tertentu
• Setiap Anggota harus bisa menjaga nama baik komunitas.

Relawan bencana dan kemanusiaan – Aktivis lingkungan hidup

Everyday at the Campions School is like a blessing with the active students and talented staff members around.
Jonathan Doe — Headmaster
Visi & Misi
Our mission at Champion school is to develop the unique abilities and potential of each child by offering an enriched educational program. We strive for excellence through a hands-on approach. Rich traditions rooted in our innovative curriculum grow productive, caring, and intellectually curious citizens.
Our Core Values
We have a culture that is modern, relevant, and inspires students to have a brighter future. We are determined in our approach to learning, are creative in our thinking, and bold in our ambitions.
Our Philosophy
We, at Champion School, follow a child-centered educational approach. We make sure that it is based on scientific observations from birth to adulthood. We believe that a child is naturally curious and is capable of initiating learning in a supportive and thoughtfully prepared environment.